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Coaching for online entrepreneurs

Do you depend on your website for your income? Whether you sell products or services, collect leads or offer downloads, if your website is the main channel of your revenue stream, you obviously want it to be as good as possible.

To keep a grip on that website, you need to have an understanding of that website. To understand what works and what doesn't on your website, you need to understand your customer. There are many different ways and tools for that. If you are looking for someone to keep you on your toes, then it is smart to seek a sounding board from a coach for online entrepreneurs. And then, of course, a coach who has earned his own spurs online.

All aspects of online business

Regardless of whether you are facing challenges related to the website, scaling up or just regaining your focus, as a coach for online entrepreneurs, I am happy to help you making those challenges manageable.

My experience of the past 20 years goes from web editor to operations director. I sat in front of and behind the site builder's table. Have had to think about the size and colour of a button, down to what message your site should convey. With my backpack of practical experience, I am happy to help you.

Is your problem really as big as it seems? Sometimes yes, mostly no. Because you are stuck in a certain thinking pattern, "this is how we always did it", you sometimes miss opportunities for improvement and even profit increase. By getting on the table with you what you still need to do with your website, we make a plan for a sustainable future of your website and your business.

Of course, thinking strategically about the direction of that business and website is just as much a part of that. Far from preaching to you what you should do with your company, I teach you how to set the course for the coming years through practical examples and smart solutions. You are at the helm, I let you think about the road ahead.

Let's meet

If you need a specific coach for online entrepreneurs, I'd love to hear from you. If you think I can help you by having structured sparring sessions with you, coach you and act as a sounding board for your wild ideas, then please contact me especially! Then we will schedule an appointment as soon as possible.