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Street photography workshop in Zurich (Switzerland)

Retrieved from Friday 28 and Saturday 29 March 2025 I am organising a two-day street photography workshop in Zurich, Switzerland. In the land of fantastic mountains, cheese fondue and friendly people.

Together with enthusiastic friends in the country itself, I have put together a workshop that takes you to the old town (the cosy Niederdorf), the chic Bahnhofstrasse (the local Champs-Élysées) and many more local photography hotspots.

During the workshop, we will work together. I will show you how I would approach certain situations, how I try to anticipate what is to come and in what way I include light in my street photography. I teach you to look differently, and of course we'll spar together on fun photography projects you can get started on today!

My workshops are for beginners and advanced students. Basic knowledge of your camera is required.

"I attended a super fun and educational workshop with Michiel. He teaches you to look at the street scene differently. The workshop remains challenging all the way through the different assignments. Highly recommended!"
Anita Stapel, participant Group Street Photography Workshop

Street photography in Zurich: a unique experience

© Adrien Olichon
© Adrien Olichon

Do you love photography and want to take on a new challenge? Do you want to discover a city that will surprise and inspire you? Then my street photography workshop in Zurich is for you!

Zurich is a city with a rich history and modern look, where you can find a mix of cultures, styles and architecture. It is a city that challenges you to experiment, discover and enjoy. It is a city that will never bore you. And we will discover that city together in this energising street photography workshop.

Under the guidance of Michiel Heijmans

I am Michiel Heijmans, a Dutch street photographer. Together with Niels de Kemp, I host the photography podcast 30 Minuten Sluitertijd and recently released the book The Observer, with a selection of my favourite street photos (Komma Publishers, 2024). I also wrote the textbook the Street Photography Bible for Photofacts Academy. I also regularly write columns in Focus Magazine, the photography magazine of the Netherlands. I have an unlimited passion for street photography and a talent for transferring my knowledge and enthusiasm (others say!). I will guide you along the most interesting and photogenic locations in the city. My goal: to give you all the feedback and advice you need to improve your photos and develop your own style.

With local street photographers

The workshop is set up and the itinerary planned with local photographers. That way, we are sure to be flexible enough to guarantee a fantastic, exhilarating workshop in any weather.

Who is this workshop for?

© Susanna Marsiglia
© Susanna Marsiglia

The workshop lasts for two days, from 10am to 3pm, and is suitable and challenging for all levels, from beginners to advanced. All you need is a camera, be it an SLR, a system camera, a compact camera or a smartphone. You will learn how to look at a city differently and create beautiful compositions. You will learn how best to deal with light, shadow, colour, movement and perspective. You will learn how to photograph people without disturbing or offending them.

You will learn how to make your own tell a story with your photos. You will learn this by doing and by watching myself and others! I also have a number of assignments for you during the day, which force you to look differently. These assignments are always very well received, because they provide focus. The sum total of the assignments makes you look at your surroundings better and differently, which results in better photos!

Zurich? Perfect for travelling!

For the participating Dutch: Zurich by train is really easy to travel. I myself travel first class for 75 euros one way. Second class is possible from 50 euro. So that's cheap and sustainable. Prices from hotels change, often something more on the outskirts of the city is a lot cheaper. Public transport is fine with trams.

Register quickly as places are limited. Don't miss this opportunity to take your photography to the next level and discover a unique city. We look forward to seeing you in Zurich! 📸

Workshop details

  • This street photography workshop will take place in Zurich on Friday 28 and Saturday 29 March 2025, running from 10am to 3pm.
  • This workshop will be given in Dutch and English.
  • Guided assignments using assignment cards that you may take home.
  • I naturally share all my experiences with you, and help you learn to see things differently.
  • Brief evaluation at the end of the workshop (including coffee or tea, of course).
  • To ensure personal attention, there is room for a maximum of five people.
  • Level for this street photography workshop in Zurich: All levels.
  • Recommended camera: All cameras, prefer a camera on which the sound can be turned off.
  • Recommended lens: Basically the lens you feel comfortable with, but guideline is 28 to 50mm fullframe.
  • Post-processing you do yourself at home, as you see fit. I am happy to give you feedback on 8 photos by e-mail.

Cost for this workshop: only 599 euro per person.
Note: Travel and accommodation are at your own expense!

All prices on this page include VAT. If you want an invoice for your workshop, VAT will be added.

Yes, I want to sign up for the workshop:

About Michiel

I am Michiel Heijmans, professional street photographer. Together with friend Niels, I make the photography podcast 30 Minutes Shutter speed. My new photo book "The Observer" is in shops now (Komma Publishing, 2024).

For Photofacts I previously wrote the book "Straatfotobijbel" (2023). I also write monthly columns for Focus Magazine, the photography magazine of the Netherlands.

From the moment I immersed myself in street photography, I was hooked. I don't leave the house without a camera because street photography can be done anywhere!

Some mood photos of Zurich taken with permission and mention of photographer from

Participants' experiencesYear trackLecturesPhoto walks