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Street photography workshops in London

You have probably seen my work on Instagram or this website, or we have met at one of my workshops or photo walks. Then you know that my workshops are approachable, taking you into the world of street photography.

Time to step up a gear. I would like to invite you to my street photography workshop in London, Friday 15 and Saturday 16 November 2024.
Right, two days of street photography!

Still 2 places - I prefer to book a 1-on-1 workshop

London is fantastic. But London is also overwhelming and big and vast. As a lone photographer, London is perhaps a little imposing, hard to take in.

I'd love to take you on a brisk walk from Barbican via Southbank to Seven Dials/Soho and then let you wander motivated into Oxford Street*. It's a mix of old London, the banks of the Thames and the touristy but fabulous city centre.

"Had fantastic workshop with Michiel. He is a very skilled photographer and knows how to convey his knowledge in a fine and fun way. Definitely worth repeating!"

Rianne, street photography group workshop participant

Street photography London

The shops are getting ready for Christmas, the light makes the lights burn longer. Time to head into town.

During the workshop, we will work on the basis of written assignments, which will give you tools to shoot the most beautiful photos yourself.

We wander the streets of London's various neighbourhoods. We visit "Instagrammable" places like Neal's Yard and Buckingham Palace. We fish for pretty pictures in Oxford Street and Piccadilly Circus, where the crowds make it impossible to come home with bad photos. If we have time and the itinerary allows, we visit Camden, of course.

Still 2 places. Maximum 5 participants!

Street photography workshop in London

In the enchanting streets of London photography comes alive. We focus on four locations in particular during the workshop, but seize every photographic challenge on the itinerary:

  1. Barbican: This architectural wonderland offers a futuristic backdrop. Concrete brutalism, geometric shapes and shadow play create intriguing compositions.
  1. Southbank: Along the Thames you'll find the Southbank, a cultural hotspot. The iconic Millennium Bridge, the Tate Modern, street performers and lively crowds make for a visual feast.
  1. Soho: The heart of the West End, where creativity and diversity come together. Narrow alleys, neon lights and historic pubs adorn Soho. This is where we meet artists, musicians and colourful characters.
  2. Oxford Street: London's busiest and most famous shopping street, is a true paradise for shopping enthusiasts. And for street photographers! The street is too big to capture in one shot, so let's mostly immerse ourselves in the hustle and bustle and see where the flow of people takes us!

In the workshop, I will teach you to hunt and fish. I make you look differently at things you

Examples of the photos you will take

Below are examples of previous street photos I've taken in London. Fantastic people, fantastic energy!

I want to take pictures like this too!

The schedule for this street photography workshop in London

The workshop lasts for two days, on Friday 15 November and Saturday 16 November 2024.

The schedule:

Friday, November 15: Techniques
Start in the park at Charterhouse Square (Google maps)
Barbican subway station

Meeting and proposals
Short presentation on street photography

Taking to the streets with the first challenge

Lunch break (own expense)

Hit the streets with the second challenge

Closing day 1

Saturday, November 16: Assignments
Start in James Street (Google maps)
Covent Garden subway station

Brief summary of day 1
Room for questions

Hit the streets with the first assignment

Lunch break (own expense)

Hit the streets with the second assignment

Concluding the workshop with a drink

Photo review: After the workshop, you may email up to 8 photos taken during the workshop to me. I will then personally give you tips and tricks to take your photos to an even higher level.

We start both days at 10am and finish around 3pm - that leaves you time to explore London yourself! Most of the places we visit are walkable, but that means you'll need to bring sturdy shoes! We'll probably also go a bit on the tube due to time constraints, but if you have Apple Pay on your phone, you can use that to just get in.

Cost for this workshop

This workshop costs €599 per person.
Maximum 5 people, to ensure personal attention.
Price does not include travel and accommodation, which you arrange according to your own budget.
If you want an invoice, there will be 21% VAT added. If you would like a certificate of your participation, I will be happy to send it to you after the workshop!

Halfway through the workshop, we will stop for lunch (at your own expense). London is full of Pret A Mangers for a sandwich, but of course you are free to choose something else.

What are you waiting for? Treat yourself to this two-day workshop in London! Looking forward to seeing you then!

Register for street photography workshop in London

"What a super experience! Michiel's vision of street photography was refreshing. Accessible with depth as far as you are willing and able. Do it!"

Jori Mulders, workshop participant

Workshop details

  • Guided assignments using assignment cards that you may take home.
  • I naturally share all my experiences with you, and help you learn to see things differently.
  • You get my book "Straatfotobijbel" (🇳🇱 Photofacts, ISBN 9789492325099) to practice nicely after the workshop. If you already have it, you will get another photobible of your choice from me.
  • Free one-month access to all Photofacts courses with the book.
  • Taking place in London, this street photography workshop takes place over two days from 10am to 3pm (2 x 5 hours).
  • I take you to the best places!
  • Brief evaluation at the end of the workshop (including coffee or tea, of course).
  • Groups of up to 5 people to ensure personal attention.
  • Level for this street photography workshop in London: All levels.
  • Recommended camera: All cameras, prefer a camera on which the sound can be turned off.
  • Recommended lens: Basically the lens you feel comfortable with, but guideline is 28 to 50mm fullframe.
  • This workshop can be given in Dutch or English.
  • Post-processing you do yourself at home, as you see fit. I am happy to give you feedback on 8 photos by e-mail.

I would love to see you in London on 15 November. We are going to make it a fantastic workshop!

About Michiel

I am Michiel Heijmans, professional street photographer. Together with friend Niels, I make the photography podcast 30 Minutes Shutter speed. My new photo book "The Observer" is in shops now (Komma Publishing, 2024).

For Photofacts I previously wrote the book "Straatfotobijbel" (2023). I also write monthly columns for Focus Magazine, the photography magazine of the Netherlands.

From the moment I immersed myself in street photography, I was hooked. I don't leave the house without a camera because street photography can be done anywhere!