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30 Minutes Shutter speed

The photography podcast

Together with friend Niels de Kemp I came to the conclusion that our conversations about photography might well be of interest to others. The medium: a podcast. From March 2024, we can be listened to on Spotify and seen on Youtube.

Casual 30 minutes of listening to two photography fans talk about all the topics you can imagine. Fresh content every Monday!

Niels de Kemp
Michiel Heijmans
Watch the latest episode here

Why a photography podcast?

Niels and I can really talk for hours on end about photography in its broadest form. Yes, we are both big fans of street photography, but that interest is not limited to the street alone. I also shoot portraits and events, and Niels is a media-maker in his own right, working for the Rotterdam Police Department, among others. My favourite photographers are Vincent Peters and Stephan Vanfleteren, definitely not street photographers.

Recent episodes:

Follow thus.

We hope to give you some food for thought each week.

  1. Creative Inspiration: 30 Minutes of Shutter Time covers a variety of topics and each broadcast includes a shout-out to another photographer. The podcast is intended for both beginners and experienced photographers and we hope for a little cross-pollination in the comments!
  2. Practical Tips: We talk about everything. About photography in general, camera settings, gear acquisition syndrome and much more.
  3. Community Building: Surely it would be nice if we could make the Dutch photography landscape a bit more open with the podcast. We also really want to set that atmosphere. Send us a DM on Instagram or comment below the videos if you have something to say or like what we think.
  4. Current events and Trends: Our weekly appearance on Mondays allows us to respond quickly to current events where necessary, such as when the podcast featured the release of the Fujifilm X100VI.
  5. Stories and Experiences: Photography is not just about technical aspects; it is also about stories and emotions. And we have plenty of those!

In short, we are actually quite sure that a fun, smooth podcast about photography would be a valuable addition to the Dutch photography community.

Let's gooooo!

Find Niels online
Instagram: @nielsdekemp

Find Michiel online
Instagram: @michielheijmans