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Pain point coaching

New project, product, employee? Motivation gone for a while? If you need sparring and meaningful insights NOW.
6 sessions of 1.5 hours
Cost €1,299

Flattening problems

Often, explaining your problem is half the solution. As an entrepreneur, when you run into a problem, it can feel strange or annoying to share it with staff. And as an independent professional or self-employed person, you only have that plant in the corner to talk to.

In that case, you've come to the right place. If you are looking for someone who listens to you, flattens your problem and provides insight into the direction of solution, I will be happy to help.

Often, a problem or challenge is something that settles in your head. It grows slowly, and then erupts like a volcano.


  • Growing pains. Growth spurts make you feel compelled to hire someone, but you don't really want to at all.
  • Uncertainty. You have embarked on a new adventure, but feel unsure about the course you have set for it.
  • Misunderstanding. You wonder why your website is still not scoring, but your marketing team says this is the maximum.
  • Reduced focus. While you are busy building your service, your mind is already wandering to a new product.

Tip of the iceberg. But you know what I mean. Those things that keep you up at night.

Let's list those together, flatten the problem and choose the solution direction.

Why 6 sessions

Six sessions is manageable, right? We have a short telephone intake first. After that, we divide the process into three sessions every two weeks, and then three sessions every other month. That's my proposal, but should you feel the need for more intensive contact, it's of course negotiable.

The first three sessions address the acute problem. Put the fish on the table before it stinks. We make the problem visible so we can address it.

The last three sessions are for maintenance and deepening. Is this something you are going to run into more often? How is the solution going, or are you still running into limits?

You will see that those sessions fly by.


We have several options for meeting. It can be at your office, at me at the office (great coffee), but we can also go for a walk! If we walk about five kilometres, you'll have had two-thirds of your steps again too! And walking is the easiest way to think without fretting.

Yes, I want to get started!

Michiel Heijmans | Start-up coaching Pain point coaching Semester coaching