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Company photography workshop

It is almost here again, the annual company outing. Actually, you should have chosen something a long time ago, but yes... It is difficult to choose a company outing that everyone in the company likes. They all have different interests and personalities.

Photo by participant Nancy

A company outing can be a great opportunity to learn new skills or explore the city. It is important to choose an activity that suits the group's interests and allows everyone to participate at their own level. And that is where my photography workshops match perfectly!

Looking for a creative break during a busy day of meetings?
Book a street photography workshop for your heath day!

Photography? Street photography!

My street photography workshop is an excellent choice for a company outing. Anyone can participate, regardless of age or physical ability. It is a creative and fun way to explore the city and learn new skills. Everyone looks and reacts differently to the same things. A street photography workshop stimulates the group's creativity and makes it practically clear that people are different, look at each other differently. Because count on the fact that you will also photograph each other; I speak from experience.

Nervous start, smiling go home

Michiel Heijmans Photography's street photography workshops are excellent for your next company outing. I am a creative and experienced street photographer, and also the author of the book Straatfotobijbel.

My workshops are low-threshold and suitable for both beginners and those with more experience. During the workshops you learn to look differently and discover new perspectives. Of course, I share my experiences and help you take your photography to the next level.

After the workshop, you can continue practising with my book Street Photography Bible, as everyone gets a copy to take home (worth 30 euros).

Location and duration

My workshops can be held wherever people are. I give workshops in Antwerp, Amsterdam, Eindhoven and Nijmegen, but was recently with a company in Montfoort. As long as there are people, because people make a place interesting. They provide colour and dynamism.

Depending on your wishes, the workshops last from two hours to a whole day. If you want to go crazy for once, we can also go to Paris or London for two days, of course. Of course, that also depends on your budget!


Costs vary depending on the number of participants. I am happy to provide a customised quote, and this can be done within one working day, no problem.

An indication? A 4-person workshop costs around €500, with 20 to 30 people you should think of around €1,500. Then we are talking about a workshop of 2 to 3 hours. Obviously excluding VAT and travel expenses (50ct/km).

Interested? See here for more details about the workshop, or simply email me using the form below:

Lecture / photo club workshop / company outing

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Photography workshops for companiesCompany outingsHeidagen