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Semester coaching

Looking for longer guidance on your entrepreneurial adventures? For six months, I look and think with you!
12 sessions of 1.5 hours
Cost 2,499 euros

Your external sparring partner

You don't know what the road will take you, do you? As an entrepreneur, you regularly run into issues you've never had to tackle before. That's when it can be nice to have someone you can call or app. Who makes time to spar with you and can work through the issue or challenge with you.

With my 15 years of entrepreneurial experience, I have encountered many issues (from both small and larger companies). Partnerships, changing suppliers, setting up assessment cycles, staffing problems, marketing challenges.

It helps 100% if you can just take the sharp edges off with someone who has already made the meters. There I can as business coach definitely help you.

Longer-term guidance

If you are looking for guidance on a specific issue, I recommend looking at my pain point coaching. But if you're looking for someone to walk with you a little longer, you've definitely come to the right page.

In 12 sessions, based on an initial (telephone) intake interview, we address the issues where you really want to talk about. This could be, for example:

  • Personal insecurities
  • The right marketing deployment
  • Specific personnel issues
  • Your networking challenges

Just to name a few. Things that you don't arrange in an afternoon, but that roll out from a solid foundation into a strategy for the future. Which you are going to enjoy for a very long time.


We have several options for meeting. It can be at your office, at me at the office (great coffee), but we can also go for a walk! If we walk about five kilometres, you'll have had two-thirds of your steps again too! And walking is the easiest way to think without fretting.

Yes, I want your guidance!