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Hour of sparring?

Sometimes you just get stuck and are not sure what your next step should be. Then it helps to spend an hour sparring with an outsider.

For that reason, in addition to my coaching courses now also offer the possibility of an hour-long sparring session. I already do this with new entrepreneurs, and I notice there how much enlightening a short, intensive session can be. Talking off your chest and having someone a little further away summarise your story, and ask critical questions, is very enlightening.

At the table or a stroll

While walking, other insights come. You can get bogged down while sitting at the table. The ever-changing environment makes you more creative while walking. That is my experience!

If you are so tight in your schedule that an hour has to be an hour, then better stay put. But then you have to wonder if you have enough space in your head anyway....


You tell me in a few minutes what you get stuck on, and then our interaction starts immediately. While sparring, your insight changes, or is confirmed. Frameworks form in your mind around your problem. At the end of the hour, we summarise. And you can get back to work fresh and with focus.

My areas of experience:

  • Website (SEO, conversion, set-up, etc.)
  • Social media (which platform, how much time and energy)
  • Staff (empathy, boundaries, responsibilities)
  • Networking (how to get to the table where)
  • Marketing (low cost, deployment of resources, ads)

To name a few. Here is my CV.


Because I just really enjoy helping you move forward, I offer this sparring session for only € 149 99 euros.

Excl. VAT and travel expenses 50 cents per km.

Interested? Mail!