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Is my website still up-to-date?

If you sometimes find yourself staring at your website and thinking: "Is my website still up-to-date?" then I can definitely help you. He isn't.

Even if your website is only a few weeks old, your website is as up-to-date as the energy you have put into it, and the knowledge your site builder has put into it. Indeed, that also simply means that you are at the mercy of your site builder's knowledge and skills. Is it still up to date?

Every week I speak to site builders who create absolutely stunning websites. And every week we run into things that even the site builder says: "You're actually right about that." These are sometimes very simple things, but sometimes they are things that make it success of your website really get in the way. Let me give you some examples.

Get lost on the homepage

Is my website still up to date? Or am I hopelessly lost?
Lost? Make a call: 06-263 263 16

Of course you think your homepage is brilliant, with that lovely explanation of how technically advanced your product is.

But your customer is probably looking for a solution to his/her problem and not how many screws you put in your product.

I keep insisting: You buy a hammer to hang a painting, not to drive a nail into the wall.

Make sure you tackle the customer's problem directly and refer him/her to the right page for your solution.

No phone number on your mobile homepage

Doesn't apply to all, but to most websites. If a customer views your website on his mobile phone, it could be because he wants to call you or look up your address.

If those things are relevant to your business, make sure your customer doesn't have to search for those details. There are many ways to do that. Your site builder can tell you more about it.

It's those very small things that make all the difference. Have you well your phone number on your mobile site? Is that clickable then? The same goes for your email address.

Nobody clicks your most important button (the call-to-action)

That could be the contact button on your homepage, or the buy button on your product page. That could have multiple causes, and they could just start with a poor unlocking of that shop on your website.

  • Is your search form prominent on the site, or have you hidden it a bit?
  • How are your categories set up? Does that make sense for your business?
  • How much distraction is there around the product button?
  • Have you thought about structured data (special code) for your product page?

Top of the iceberg. It can have all sorts of causes. This is where search engine optimisation, conversion optimisation and ease of use (user experience) come together. These are just the first things I think of.

If you ask the people I've spoken to over the past few weeks, I'm sure they are unequivocal. Some of the things I told them make sense, but they are overlooked in the process of creating or maintaining a website. Unnecessary!

Make sure your website is up-to-date from the start

Up-to-date means up-to-date with your most recent data, with the latest techniques and certainly with the latest insights. That process starts at the very beginning of your website.

If you're in the process of a new website, you can save yourself a lot of trouble, frustration and money by letting me look at it with you from the very beginning. You can do that with you, but it might be even easier if I sit down with your site builder first. In an hour, we will have made an improvement based on your briefing and initial designs.

Is my website still up to date?

A common maxim is that a website should be replaced after four years. If you are not constantly working on it (what you do need to do!).

Unfortunately, a little decent basic website starts at around 3,000 euros. That's a fair price! Not to mention the hours you will spend yourself filling it up again, posting photos and more of that.

What if, after three years, you had some kind of MOT done for your website?

  • Now what are the things that need urgent adjustment,
  • which ones need continuous attention, and
  • which things can actually last a few more years?

That way, you can extend the life of your website just fine! Think about it. I'd love to hear from you.


If you have checked out my website, you know that I love transparency. Below you can read what to expect when you engage me in the above trajectories.

  • Improving design of new website
    149 euros per hour
    depending on the length of the call
  • MOT for your current website
    349 euros total
    obv. 2 hours of analysis and 1 hour of report writing


Let me know how I can help you.