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If you find the internet, websites and social media to be a muddle, I help you get clarity and structure. I help you improve your website. To get the right message across. And to use the right texts and images to do so.

Depending on your needs, I offer three basic packages. Of course, we decide which package best suits your needs after our first, open-ended intake interview. That way, our solution is always tailor-made!

Looking for occasional hourly support? Check out my SEO Strippenkaart!

What are we going to do?

That website drives you crazy. It keeps lying around. You should have dealt with it a long time ago. In fact, you don't understand why you haven't tackled it yet!

Live website analysis (2020)

We are going to solve that together. Beforehand, I dive into your website. I see where I think the pain points are. This may be in completely different areas than you thought. With your to-do list and my analysis we go around the table.

I explain and show you what can be improved. Together, we determine what part of your frustration is resolved after that - and what remains. We then solve that. After our conversation, my homework is to write an improvement plan for you and your website. I will look at what you can do yourself and where we need external help, for example for technical adjustments to your website. With my network, I'm sure we can find that in no time.

Note: This is the start of all three solutions offered below.

After that, the trajectory can go three ways

1. Guidance

Following the path described above, we schedule two appointments:

  • Interim evaluation. Do you like the trajectory and how far along are we? What should I adjust, scale up or down? Is improvement already visible? What happened recently that we need to take into account?
  • Final evaluation. Based on the improvement plan, we also plan that dot on the horizon. Then I come back for coffee. We review the results and the effort put into those results. Of course, many of the measuring points from the mid-term review return.

Project price total

€ 2.999,-

Inventory and initial consultation1 hour
Website analysis including report4 hours
Supervision of implementation, mid-term and final evaluation16 hours
TOTAL21 hours
21 hours x €149 = € 3.129,- € 2.999,-

If there are any loose ends at that point, I can pick them up at my normal hourly rate of €149.

2. Collaboration

Of course, in all trajectories we engage in a collaboration. Without your expertise, I am nowhere. If we choose this direction, I will come to you for a period of six (6) months helping out on site one half-day a month.

After a brief evaluation, we get to work on gathering content ideas and making practical improvements. Or even finish that text that has been lying around for too long. Need new photos for your website or social media? Let's do the same.

Count on the momentum to stay there then!

€ 999 per month

Better website and socials quickly

'Guidance' solution as above21 hours
6 months, 4 hours per month on-site collaboration24 hours
TOTAL45 hours
45 hours x €149 = €6,705 is € 1.117,50- € 999 per month for 6 months

Of course, extended support is possible at my normal hourly rate of €149

3. Unburdening

I can hear you thinking, "Yes but, Michiel, I have budget, but no sense/time/knowledge!"

Then there is a third option: complete unburdening. I come one day every week for six months Working with you/your team at your location. That means at least two social media posts per week on all platforms (Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook).

But that also means looking at your website every week to see if everything is running, plus two new pages per month, which will help with your rankings in Google.

I also provide an internal image bank with beautiful pictures of your company that you can use everywhere. Client event? I like to talk about SEO, CRO and websites in general (can also be in English/international).

€ 5,499 per month

Includes analysis, texts, royalty-free photos and more!

'Guidance' solution as above21 hours
6 months (26 weeks) x 8 hours per week
- Includes 2 social placements per week
- Includes 2 pages per month
- image database with photographic material
208 hours
TOTAL229 hours
229 hours x €149 = €34,121 is € 5.686,- € 5,499 per month for 6 months

Any additional hours will be charged at my normal hourly rate of €149

Of course, in these last two trajectories, we evaluate both after three and six months.

All prices exclude VAT and travel expenses (50 euro cents per kilometre). Pathways Cooperation and Unburdening require a minimum of 6 months to really make a difference.