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Photofacts workshop

Together with Photofacts, I am hosting a Street photography workshop on Saturday 13 January 2024 in Utrecht.

We will get to work on various street photography assignments that will make you look differently and take lots of fun photos. We will mainly cover the area around Central Station and Hoog Catherijne. Of course, we will practice hunting and fishing (as you see fit) and I will be there throughout the workshop for all your questions and challenges.

Maximum of 12 participants!

Normal price of this workshop: 125 euros. Price including VAT.

Workshop details

  • Guided assignments using assignment cards that you may take home.
  • I naturally share all my experiences with you, and help you learn to see things differently.
  • This street photography workshop takes place in Utrecht, and lasts from 10am to 1pm (3 hours).
  • Brief evaluation at the end of the workshop (including coffee or tea, of course).
  • Level for this street photography workshop: All levels.
  • Recommended camera: All cameras, prefer a camera on which the sound can be turned off.
  • Recommended lens: Basically the lens you feel comfortable with, but guideline is 28 to 50mm fullframe.
  • You do the post-processing yourself at home, as you see fit. I am happy to give you feedback by e-mail on up to 5 photos from the workshop.

Signing up for this workshop

You can register for the workshop using the form below.

About Michiel

I am Michiel Heijmans, professional street photographer. For Photofacts I wrote the book "Street Photography Bible" (2023). I also write monthly columns for Focus Magazine, the photography magazine of the Netherlands.

From the moment I immersed myself in street photography, I was hooked. I don't leave the house without a camera because street photography can be done anywhere!